Theresa Gamlin, Massage Therapist




As a true believer in the body’s ability to heal itself, I can attest to the fact that when advanced massage modalities are applied, the healing process can be accelerated. As a certified Lymphatic therapist working in a holistic setting, rather than a clinical or hospital setting, I offer the unique opportunity to dedicate the necessary time and attention to each client and their specific concerns. Clientele includes post-surgical patients (BBL, liposuction, C-section, and breast health), people with edema, Lymphedema, and clients seeking to strengthen immune health. My name is Theresa Gamlin, I am a Certified Lymphedema Therapist, Intuitive Reiki Master and Massage Therapist. My formal education began at Pacific College of Oriental Medicine in San Diego CA, where I earned my certification in Holistic Health Science. Developing my signature style, I integrated Eastern and Western techniques in Reflexology, Therapeutic Massage and Reiki. In 2016 I continued my education with Klose training, earning my certification in Manual Lymphatic Drainage and later became a Certified Lymphedema and decongestive Therapist, which has become my passion. As a mother of a Son living with Lymphedema, I understand the physical, emotional, and mental challenges that this condition may bring. Not to mention the misinformation and the cost that one might encounter as a patient. At the Bodhi Tree the aim is to provide medical massages tailored to specific needs of the individual and their unique concerns.


San Diego, CA 92108


  • LMT
  • CLT